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St Nicholas & St Laurence

C E Primary School

'Inspire to Aspire'


‘I care about and support other people.’


‘I am a good friend in my school and community.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’


‘I believe in a better future.’


‘I don't give up when things are tricky.’


‘I bounce back from difficulties.’

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 ~ The last year in KS2


Year 6 is our final class in St Nicholas and St Laurence Primary School it is a fantastic year! Children are given responsibilities and entrusted to be role models & leaders of our school. We do our utmost throughout the year to ensure that every child is fully prepared for the transition to their Secondary School, leaving our school with the confidence to take the next step in their learning.  


Mrs Morris, supported by Mrs Bedford, Miss Wakefield and visiting PE specialists. Mrs Bedford assists in class every morning and supports interventions in the afternoon. Our students receive a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum enabling them to achieve their very best. 


Homework – Homework is set on a Friday with an expectation that, if there is any written work, it will be returned by the following Thursday.  This can be submitted via your child’s Google Classroom account if this is easier for you.  


Reading – By Year 6, the expectation is that children will read for a minimum of 60 minutes per week out of school. Please continue to read with and listen to your child as they read to you, even if they are a confident reader. This will help them with confidence and the ability to entertain the listener through expression. We ask to see their signed reading record every Monday. 


Times tables – Times tables knowledge is supported by TT Rockstars online and the children will practice three different tables per week. By Year 6, we hope that all students will be fluent in all times tables up to x12.


PE – Students are asked to wear PE kit to school on the timetabled days that they have PE



Please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher if you have any questions or would like to know more about how you can support your child’s learning. 

Look at what we are learning

Curriculum Overview


Autumn 1

Why did Britain once rule the l

argest empire the world has

ever seen?

Learning organisers

Spring 1

Why was winning the Battle of

Britain in 1940 so important?

Learning organisers

Summer 1

How are aspects of national

history reflected in a town/city?

(looking at Shire Hall)

Autumn 2

Why are mountains so important?

Learning organisers

Spring 2

Why is fair trade fair?

Learning organisers

Summer 2

Who are Britain's National Parks

for? (Local study - Jurassic Coast)

Learning organisers

Transfer to Secondary School

What happens?

Transfer to Secondary School In the autumn term of Year 6, the Education Authority will request that you give your preferences for secondary schools in the area.

Historically the majority of our pupils transfer to The Wey Valley School. The other options for pupils from this area are Budmouth College, Isle of Portland Aspirations Academy (Royal Manor Campus) Portland & All Saints.


You will be notified of Open Evenings given by the four secondary schools in October, which you may wish to attend.

Our links with local schools are there to ensure as smooth a transfer as possible and staff from secondary schools are always willing to meet parents individually wherever possible, to answer questions.


The link for Wey Valley transitional information is below. 


Year 6 Transition - Wey Valley Academy (
