Contact Details

St Nicholas & St Laurence

C E Primary School

'Inspire to Aspire'


‘I care about and support other people.’


‘I am a good friend in my school and community.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’


‘I believe in a better future.’


‘I don't give up when things are tricky.’


‘I bounce back from difficulties.’

Statutory Information


This page provides links to key information required by ‘The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.’

Our Aims

To demonstrate, by actions, strong Christian values and so help the children develop their own personal faith and values to equip them for future life.

To help each child develop a lifelong love of learning.

To, engender a sense of self worth, self-confidence and self esteem in each individual.

To ensure that each child has the confidence to ask questions, and make their own choices and decisions.

To ensure that each child can work co-operatively, showing respect, empathy and tolerance for the views of others.

To ensure that each child leaves our school equipped with the social and practical skills needed for everyday living.

To ensure that every child has a clear understanding of good health and a healthy lifestyle.

To achieve these agreed aims of our School we will:

Work in the context of a warm and welcoming Christian ethos so that the love of Jesus Christ will be evident to all.

Educate the whole child by presenting a total experience, which is right and relevant to his/her individuality, thus fostering the child’s intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual development.

Teach a broad and balanced curriculum by carefully planning and delivering the National Curriculum followed by an assessment of the child’s progress; we also provide time for reflection and evaluation by the teaching staff.


Our Ethos

“I have come so that they have life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). When Jesus spoke these words to his disciples, he wanted to inspire them to have aspirations beyond what they saw at that moment in time.

At St Nicholas and St Laurence CE VA Primary School we want to inspire our children to have the highest aspirations. We want every lesson, experience, and day in our school to expose children to an education without limits, full of the joy and positive engagement with learning and our community that inspire to aspire to life in all its fullness.

Christian Vision and Values

School Contact Details

If you would like a paper copy of any information from this website, please contact the school office.

Admission Arrangements

The admission policy for St Nicholas & St Laurence School is in accordance with the LA’s admissions arrangements. Parents wishing their child to attend St Nicholas & St Laurence School should ensure that they contact either the school office or the admissions team at County Hall on 01305 221060.


Before you complete the application please read the parents guide.

You can apply online or for a paper copy please call 01305 221060.


Visits to our school are welcome and may be arranged by contacting the school office.


Pupils achieve exceptionally well at this school. Pupils of all abilities are constantly challenged and, as a result, make excellent progress in reading, writing and mathematics. The majority achieve at the higher Level 5 in reading.

Children in the Reception class make excellent progress. The proportion who is well prepared to continue their education in Year 1 is above average.


Pupils feel safe and know they are safe. They have excellent knowledge of how to stay safe on the internet. They know that there is always someone to talk to if they have any concerns.

Teachers use feedback, marking and assessment exceptionally well. Pupils highly value this and say that it really helps them.

Performance Tables

The Performance Tables give information on the achievements of pupils in primary, secondary and 16-18 provision in schools and colleges, and how they compare with other schools and colleges in the Local Authority (LA) area and in England as a whole.


Information can be found in the School Performance Tables published on the Department for Education’s website.


Find out more about the topics our school follows in each academic year, for every subject.

Pupil Premium

P.E & Sport Premium

Introducing and embedding new elements to PE across the school. Ensure that children are taking the opportunity to engage in active life events and sessions that inspire them to be active and Healthy for their lifetime. (Making sport accessible to all)


To generate more opportunities for noncompetitive sporting events and different types of sports within lessons and after school.

To generate more opportunities to feel proud of being a sportsman in our school.


Special Educational Needs (SEN) Report

Every child with special educational needs should have SEN support. This means help that is additional to or different from the support generally given to other children of the same age.


The purpose of SEN support is to help children achieve the outcomes or learning objectives set for them by the school in conjunction with parents and pupils themselves. Our SENCO and person responsible for all SEN is Miss Loader.

Governors Information & Duties

Privacy Notice (how we use pupil information)
