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St Nicholas & St Laurence

C E Primary School

'Inspire to Aspire'


‘I care about and support other people.’


‘I am a good friend in my school and community.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’


‘I believe in a better future.’


‘I don't give up when things are tricky.’


‘I bounce back from difficulties.’

Year 2


Welcome to Year 2

Last year of KS1


A creative and exciting learning adventure is ready and waiting for you where we become historians, geographers, scientists and authors. We learn why Charles was sent to prison, why penguins don’t need to fly and attempt to settle who is the greatest history maker ever.  


Every year in your child’s education is important but Year 2 is a key year for the children as it is the last year of Key Stage One. During this year we prepare the children for their transition into Key Stage 2 and embed their reading, writing and maths. We enrich their learning experiences with trips, music, drama, and art.  


Look at what we are learning

Curriculum Overview


Autumn 1 

Why was Charles sent to Prison?


Learning organiser

Spring 1

Who is the Greatest History Maker?

Learning organiser

Summer 1

Why is the History of my

locality important?

Learning organiser

Autumn 2

What is the geography of

where I live?

Learning organiser

Spring 2

Why don't penguins need to fly?

Learning organiser

Summer 2

How does the geography of

Kampong Ayer compare where I live?

Learning organiser

