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St Nicholas & St Laurence

C E Primary School

'Inspire to Aspire'


‘I care about and support other people.’


‘I am a good friend in my school and community.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’


‘I believe in a better future.’


‘I don't give up when things are tricky.’


‘I bounce back from difficulties.’

Vision and values

Our vision for education is deeply Christian, with love at the heart of everything we do. We wish to inspire all our children to aspire to take on new learning, new experiences, new responsibilities, new challenges to fulfil themselves – becoming the very best they can and experiencing “life in all its fullness”. This comes from the biblical verse John 10:10. ‘That they shall have life, life in all its fullness.’ There will be both joyful times and challenges in life but we know that God loves us and is with us even in times of difficulty.


In reaching for our vision we are supported by our school values. These help us with our conduct and decision making as well as guiding us through life’s more challenging times.


Our Christian Values








Promoting Fundamental British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


Our school vision dovetails and promotes British Values. 


Making a difference....

for good (rule of law - a recognition of the common good and doing the 'right' thing) 

with each other ( understanding our individual liberty and freedom, but alongside recognition of the value of belonging and collaboration)  

everyone (mutual respect and tolerance of others and their beliefs)

in our community (working together, democracy in action)
